I am a postdoctoral researcher at King’s College London in the Cryptography team.
Previously, I was a PhD student in the AriC team in the LIP laboratory in the ENS de Lyon, in France, working under the supervision of Damien Stehlé, Guillaume Hanrot and Bruno Salvy.
I am currently mainly interested in algorithmic (classical and quantum) on structured lattices (e.g. ideals or module lattices), and their applications to cryptography.
I am employed by the INRIA Lyon and funded by the Direction Générale de l’Armement (Pôle de Recherche CYBER).
Research Work
Published work
- Hardness of Structured Lattice Problems for Post-Quantum Cryptography. Joël Felderhoff. PhD Thesis. [Manuscript]. [Mirror]. [Defense Information].
- Ideal-SVP is Hard for Small-Norm Uniform Prime Ideals. Joël Felderhoff, Alice Pellet-Mary, Damien Stehlé and Benjamin Wesolowski. TCC 2023. [Full Version]. [Mirror]
- On Module Unique-SVP and NTRU. Joël Felderhoff, Alice Pellet-Mary and Damien Stehlé. ASIACRYPT 2022. [Full Version]. [Mirror]
Unpublished work
- A CHSP Oracle for Arakelov Class Group. Research Internship supervised by Léo Ducas in Crypto group, CWI, Amsterdam. Feb-July 2021. [report (soon)].
- Impossibility results for Module LLL based on Euclidean Division. Research Internship supervised by Damien Stehlé in AriC team, LIP, ENS de Lyon. Sept 2020-Feb 2021. [report].
- Hard Homogenous Spaces and Commutative Supersingular Isogeny based Diffie–Hellman. Research Internship supervised by Benjamin Smith in Grace team, Laboratoire d’Informatique de l’École Polytechnique. Summer 2019. [report].
- Homological product code and weight of random tensors. Research Internship supervised by Péter Vrana in QMATH team, Department of Mathematical Sciences of the University of Copenhagen. Summer 2018. [report].
- Walking along the infrastructures of real quadratic and pure cubic fields. Research Internship supervised by Pierre Jean Spaenlehauer in CARAMBA team, INRIA Nancy - Grand Est. Summer 2017. [report].